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Paediatric First Aid Course

Under the Government Early Years and Childcare Registration requirements, at least one person who has a current full paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present and must accompany children on outings. This full Paediatric First Aid training course covers all EYFS and Ofsted requirements.

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About this Paediatric First Aid training course

It is vital for anyone working with children or infants to know what to do should an emergency arise. This Paediatric First Aid course could save the life of a child under your care, should they become unconscious, stop breathing or experience cardiac arrest. You are responsible for the life of any child under your care, make sure you know what to do until help arrives.

Our blended Paediatric First Aid course combines practical face-to-face training and at home interactive e-learning. Learners will understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider, how to provide first aid to a child who is choking, bleeding, burnt, having a seizure and more. The face-to-face training day will include practical training to provide learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to act effectively when emergencies arise. The Department of Education recognises blended learning as an acceptable delivery method of first aid training in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, so learners can gain the full Paediatric First Aid qualification with our course.

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Certification, paediatric first aid, paediatric first aid training course, paediatric first aid course, paediatric first aid certificate, paediatric first aid online, blended paediatric first aid, online paediatric first aid, paediatric bnf, paediatric bls, paediatric lift support, paediatric training uk, paediatric basic life support, paediatric first aid course online ofsted approved, paediatric first aid course near me, first aid course for children Certification On completion of this Paediatric first aid online training, either download your certificate or access it at a later date online.
Accreditations, paediatric first aid, paediatric first aid training course, paediatric first aid course, paediatric first aid certificate, paediatric first aid online, blended paediatric first aid, online paediatric first aid, paediatric bnf, paediatric bls, paediatric lift support, paediatric training uk, paediatric basic life support, paediatric first aid course online ofsted approved, paediatric first aid course near me, first aid course for children Accreditations This blended Paediatric first aid course is CPD accredited and delivered by a Skills for Care endorsed provider. It meets accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.


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Providing relevant knowledge and skills

Paediatric First Aid training course learning outcomes

On completion of this blended Paediatric First Aid course, learners should know and understand the following:
  • Role and responsibilities of paediatric first aiders
    Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider
  • Assessing emergency situations
    Be able to assess an emergency situation safely
  • Unresponsive
    Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally
  • Shock
    Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child who is suffering from shock
  • Anaphylaxis
    Understand how to provide first aid to an infant and a child with anaphylaxis
  • Bites & Stings
    Treatments for bites & stings
  • First aid treatments for burns, bleeding, seizures
    Know how to help a baby or child who is choking, bleeding, burnt, having a seizure and more

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A glimpse of the Paediatric First Aid course

Take a look at our Paediatric First Aid course screenshots below. If you would like to see more of the course features before you enrol, book a free demo here with our training specialists.


FAQ - The Paediatric First Aid training course

Frequently asked questions

Please see below the common questions about our Paediatric First Aid course. Just click to expand the answer.

What is paediatric first aid? Paediatric first aid is giving care to a child/infant (anyone under the age of 16) who has been injured, or who has become ill prior to the arrival of qualified medical assistance. It is especially beneficial to those who work in full-time childcare and in schools. Under The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Ofsted requirements, there must be at least one person who holds a current Paediatric First Aid certificate on the premises at all times when children are present, including school trips.

The '3 Ps' summarises the aims of the first aider:
  1. Preserve life.
  2. Prevent the situation from worsening.
  3. Promote recovery.
Who needs paediatric first aid training? Anyone who works with children needs Paediatric First Aid training. This includes:
  • School, pre-school and nursery staff
  • Paediatric nurses
  • Childminders
  • After-school workers
  • Sports club staff
  • Play and activity centre staff
  • Babysitters
  • Parents, carers and grandparents
The Department of Education guidance requires all newly qualified child carers to have Paediatric First Aid training.
What is the difference between Paediatric first aid and first aid? The difference between Paediatric First Aid and First Aid is that Paediatric First Aid focuses on children and infants and first aid focuses on adult casualties. The reason why there are two different courses is that in some key areas, the advice for children is different from that of adults. It's important those who supervise children on a regular basis know these differences and the right response. Here are some examples of first aid advice that differs for adults, children and infants:
  1. CPR - for adults, you should use two hands. For children, you should use one hand, and for infants, you must only use two fingers.
  2. Defibrillation - Paediatric AED pads on small children should be placed differently from AED pads on adults and older children.
  3. Choking - the procedure for choking adults is very different to babies and young children. This is one of the key topics you need to know.
We offer both adults First Aid courses and Paediatric First Aid courses, which covers Paediatric basic life support and more - get a quote today!
What is a paediatric primary survey?

A paediatric primary survey is a fast way to find out how to treat any life-threatening conditions a child or baby may have in order of priority by using the anagram DRABC.

D - Danger: Make sure the area, you, the child/infant and any bystanders are safe.

R - Response: Check if the child/infant is conscious. Call their name and if it's a child, gently shake or tap their shoulders. If it's an infant or baby, gently tap the bottom of their foot to see if there is a response. If there is no response, assume they are in an unresponsive state.

A - Airway: Check and treat any life-threatening airway problems. Open the airway by placing your hand on their forehead and gently tilt their head back, propping the chin up slightly with your other hand to ensure the airway is open and clear. If the child or infant is unresponsive, move on to breathing very quickly. If they are responsive but their airway is blocked, you need to clear the airway.

B - Breathing: Check to see if the child/infant is breathing normally. Place your ear above their mouth, looking down their body and listen for the sound of breathing, if you can feel their breath on your cheek and see if their chest moves. Do this for 10 seconds. If unresponsive, call emergency help and start child/baby CPR. If they are breathing, move onto circulation.

C - Circulation: Look and check for any signs of severe bleeding. If they are, control and treat the bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound and call 999/112 for emergency help. If they are unresponsive and breathing but no bleeding, put them in the recovery position and call 999/112 for emergency help.

Is paediatric first aid training a legal requirement?

Paediatric First Aid training is a legal requirement for those working with children. The Department for Education / Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework requires all newly qualified child carers with a level two or three qualification to have Paediatric First Aid training. They have three months to complete their training after starting work with a new employer.

For the EYFS and Ofsted requirements, you must have at least one 12-hour full Paediatric First Aid qualified member of staff available at all times including cover for sickness, holidays and trips. Our blended Paediatric First Aid course will give learners a full Paediatric First Aid certification to meet these requirements and be used to provide evidence for compliance.

How long does a paediatric first aid certificate last? A Paediatric First Aid certificate lasts 3 years and should be renewed before your staff’s certificate expires to ensure they remain Paediatric First Aiders.


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Paediatric First Aid training course delivery methods

Our online Paediatric First Aid e-learning course can be completed anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.

Our blended Paediatric First Aid training course is safely taught half online by an accredited instructor and half in-house at your premises. Please note this method of learning is NOT part of our subscription packages, so it’s not included in the ‘unlimited access to all our courses’ plan. 

• Study when you want 
• Exclusive webinar
• Broadens the learning experience


It's easy to get certified in Paediatric First Aid

Just follow these four simple steps, sit back, relax and let us do the hard work for you and your team.

Book A Course
Book your Paediatric First Aid training course via the website, by messaging us or calling.
Login Once everything has been booked, you will receive login details for you and your staff.
Complete Course Complete the online Paediatric First Aid course you purchased in the delivery method you chose
Become Certified Great! Now you're certified and can download the Paediatric First Aid certificates from the portal.

Let's make sure this training is what your organisation needs

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